[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (2024)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (1)

I've finally come for you...
Broly the Legen-
My name's Brawly, not Broly
Well, sorry about that then
It's ok *ahem*

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (2)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (3)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (4)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (5)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (6)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (7)

...... I need to grind more according to what the median of the gym leaders' teams are, not just what level their aces are.

Sadly this will take until after Flannery to actually put into action

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (8)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (9)

Two Arbok and a Voltorb.
Not really challenging
But hey, Fame got a little action

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (10)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (11)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (12)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (13)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (14)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (15)

So badges help promote stockholm syndrome?
Technically, but we prefer it if you didn't put it that way

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (16)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (17)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (18)

selling this

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (19)

He's getting my number isn't he?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (20)

Why does everyone want the number of a ten ye-
Wait no,
looked this up when I checked Hilbert's age for my White Color-locke
(really need to stop this self promotion)
Breden is actually 12, not 10
The more you knooow~

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (21)

Got flash from this guy.
You have yet to show any competence!
Can you learn this simple HM?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (22)


[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (23)

Akbar can..
Try it and I Crunch off your hand.
... wasn't going to...
Hey, why does Akbar get to talk and not the rest of us?
You can talk Eon.
I never said you couldn't
Akbar just has more to say.
Oh... Sooo I can talk whenever?
I think I'll give flash to Silver...
Didn't he kill Patty?!
He's already killed, if he joins us, even for a moment he will bring someone else down with him. Oh, God it'll be me. DON'T LET HIM JOIN HE'LL KILL ME!!!
It's punishment, Eon. If a pokemon has an HM move that makes it less likely to ever be used in battle, dooming it to forever be boxed.
And Shmurda please calm down, It'll only make this guy more likely to kill you

Don't worry, ladies. I'll check to make sure that this guy is qualified to room with us.
...... Can I get popcorn for this?
Hey, bro, listen. I understand you got problems, but trust me, you spend enough time with us, you'll be juuust like me.
That thought only increases my hatred for all of you.
Woah, bro. Chill, no need for such hate here, dog.
Call me 'Bro' again and you'll be seeing your departed 'Patty' very soon
Wait, so you can bring back the dead? That's awesome, Brah.
deep inhale I'm going to enjoy this more than I should
What are you talking about? Wait, what are you
*covers Eon's eyes and ears*
Wait, what's going to happen?
Trust me, you don't want to see this.
Screams as Silver viciously assaults Randal as Akbar munches on popcorn
falls in a heap Hey, trainer dude... I don't think this guy will be a good roomie
Ok that's enough *recalls Randal*
Finishes popcorn Ok how did that even work? Randal's part rock and Silver only has normal and fire moves.
I don't know
I have defeated your strongest member. I believe that gives me the right to leave you and your cause to enslave more of my brethren
Randal's not my best member
Hmph. Very well. I shall defeat the Sir Knight if it pleases you
As much as it pleases me to be called the best member and 'Sir Knight' by you I must confess I'm only number 2 in this little gang
But there's no other option! Your only other choices are a panophobic bellsprout, a staryu that's been looking at it's reflection for the past hour, and an eevee who probably couldn't bring herself to fight me.
There's still one more member.
What do you mean? I see no other contender!
Behind you
What? I detected no presence! turns around
John Cena's behind him
Bursts out the John Cena theme with the attack
Silver is lying on the ground recovering from what he just went through
...... Just teach me the move

And now back to screen shots

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (24)

He looks important

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (25)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (26)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (27)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (28)

(reeeeally need to stop using the speed up button)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (29)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (30)

Ohhh. rewards

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (31)

Why thank you.
I shall give it to my staryu later
(I didn't. I forgot about it until now.)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (32)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (33)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (34)

I like this guy

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (35)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (36)

I mean the guy who claims to be my father has my number so why not?
Besides May you're the only one who I don't mind giving my number to.

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (37)

I shall never fail to comment about these ellipses everytime this happens
Unless I do
But I'll try not to.

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (38)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (39)

'K bye

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (40)

Slateport, I guess?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (41)

Again with repeating what I say

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (42)

What does Peeko even do to help you

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (43)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (44)

I feel like someone will complain about you randomly docking in the middle of the beach

Encounter time!

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (45)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (46)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (47)

How.... How DARE YOU. You force me to learn an unforgettable technique then make me help you in your quest to enslave my former allies?
You've had your drama moment already
It was like 50 lines

Anyway I take a couple steps north

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (48)

Boom, new area

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (49)

Another stone evo.

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (50)

Very suspicious

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (51)

Hey, thanks guys
You saved me a spot
While I'm waiting for whatever it is we're waiting for Let's check out our captures

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (52)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (53)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (54)

Magnet pull and Fighting typing aren't a bad combo
Forces the mon to stay and take a super effective hit
But the move set is all over the place

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (55)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (56)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (57)

If you evolve into a normal type that'll help, but I'm not gonna buy a stone for you, sorry
Anyway since we're here I'm boxing you Silver

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (58)

What Kawaii?
you better have a good reason for stopping me

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (59)

Look I don't want this name. It doesn't sit well with me
What do you want me to do about it?
The Name Rater is in this town! You can change my name!
Is he?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (60)

Ok i'll change it...
Looks at Eon

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (61)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (62)

There we go.
Kawaii actually fits you better
Of course!
You're adorable!
You're pink and fluffy. If that isn't cute I don't know what is
(I smell a ship)
I-if you say so Akbar..... Do you want a name change too?
Nah, this name has grown on me.
How about you Eon?
I approve.
Ok. With that out of the way let's get our next encounter

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (63)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (64)

Calling species clause on this

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (65)

Ohhh Marshtomp.
I'll take it.

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (66)

Starter catch rates always make things a pain but this one was easy.

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (67)

I dub thee Stew

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (68)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (69)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (70)

Actually pretty good
Neutral nature
Type works with stats
And two nice STABS

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (71)

You seem informant

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (72)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (73)

Is everyone here near incompetent with their job?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (74)

Subtle name

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (75)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (76)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (77)

Wonder where he cou-

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (78)

That's very, very, very concerning

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (79)

Why are you the only one moving around?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (80)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (81)

You're gonna have to be more specific
you all look the same

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (82)

Oh, you....

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (83)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (84)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (85)

Since this is normally 'Thief' I'm greatly insulted

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (86)

Hey can I-
If we meet him again sure, but we don't want to make a scene

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (87)

Petal Dance
A.K.A Grass outrage

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (88)

You look intelligent

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (89)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (90)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (91)

That's sounds important

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (92)

Oh god da-

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (93)

Pool Cleaners

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (94)

Not according to your trainer classes

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (95)

Backhands the first grunt

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (96)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (97)

hits the other grunt in the follow through

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (98)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (99)

And his dumb Bellsprout too? (Shmurda was up front and wrecked them)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (100)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (101)

You look bossy

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (102)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (103)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (104)

You guys keep doing illegal stuff

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (105)

I remember Mr. Stone mentioned them, but I've yet to run into any member

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (106)

So they all dress the same?
What is this clone wars?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (107)

You're not trying to get my number are you?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (108)

Actually it's just water
We aren't dependent on the sea
In fact we can't even drink the water

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (109)

Isn't that called global warming?
Also if it's all sea where would people live?
On boats?
In underground bases?
There is literally no good outcome to this.

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (110)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (111)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (112)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (113)

I don't plan
It just happens

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (114)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (115)


[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (116)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (117)

You could've called the police.......
Actually do we even have police?
Is the only form of law enforcement random tweens going around the region?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (118)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (119)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (120)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (121)

Anyway I've got to go heal
Maybe buy a few potions and pokeballs

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (122)

Oh you again

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (123)

You seem like someone who would sell an eskimo a refrigerator

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (124)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (125)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (126)

I can hear you.
I don't think I should trust you

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (127)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (128)

Did you just take my phone from my hands to plug in your number?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (129)

Even the game is skeptical about this guy

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (130)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (131)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (132)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (133)

You know I just realized that even this guy is a better father figure than Norman
Scott encourages me, recognizes my value, and congratulates me on my victories
Noman was shocked that I managed to walk two towns over to his gym

Anyway it's time for me to get to Mauville and finish up this chapter

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (134)


[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (135)

Wait, wait, wait
I just saw you teleport!
You can not just go 'imagine seeing you here'

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (136)

Don't change the subject!
I know she can teleport too!
I saw her back in Rustboro

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (137)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (138)

Stop avoiding my questions!

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (139)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (140)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (141)

But I'll use this to bug you all the time about your psychic powers

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (142)

Why are all these ellipses here?

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (143)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (144)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (145)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (146)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (147)

Even Birch is a better father than Norman.
If he can't protect his daughter he makes sure to tell someone powerful enough to do so (me) and ask them to look out for her!

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (148)

Deep inhale
(ok quick backstory. I tried an emerald randomizer before and this is where I lost my locke. These two had a Tyranitar and a Slowking which wrecked my team. Time for payback)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (149)

Let's go you monsters
(I beat them swiftly)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (150)

Encounter time

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (151)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (152)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (153)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (154)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (155)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (156)

I'll take it. Not great, but not the worst.

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (157)


[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (158)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (159)

Ok.. Looks like no one saw me... Looks left oh sh-
I-I mean

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (160)

Hi, May.
I just ran into your Dad.
I have a question for you though

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (161)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (162)

If I win can we talk a little?
ummm. Ok, deal
Let's do this

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (163)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (164)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (165)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (166)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (167)

Kawaii swept her team.
Even the Exploud
I feel bad... I've been with him a while and I just had to beat him up...
Don't feel bad.
He almost one shot you when we first fought.

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (168)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (169)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (170)

Ohhh an it-

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (171)

I know
That voice that makes an announcement every time i get something told me

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (172)

And can we talk a little?
About the trick my dad and I have?
I need answers about that
Well, it's a family trick passed down for generations, from our great ancestor, Red
Ok, I was joking about that earlier but you are related to him?
[cbgolor=#ee4a2d]Yes. He could teleport at will. There was a trainer named Gold who saw this happen after defeating him[/bgcolor]
Oh wow...
Could I learn it?
Can you teach me?
Hmmmm. How about this: You become the Champion and I'll teach you after a date
After a wh-

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (173)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (174)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (175)


Totally your waifu.
And you determined this how?
I'd rather not go into that

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (176)

Here you go Fame

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (177)

Gonna get myself a latias

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (178)

Another good tm
This route is loaded!

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (179)

aaaaaand Mavile gives me this

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (180)

That's it for today
The next chapter will be up on Monday hopefully
Until then goodnight
and check out my color locke
(really, really, really, need to stop the self promotion)

[FINISHED][COMPLETED] Pokemon Emerald X-treme Randomizer (2024)


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Article information

Author: Domingo Moore

Last Updated:

Views: 6276

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.